What Energy certificates look like
Energy Performance Certificates are a mandatory as part of selling your home. You have had to order an EPC when you put your house up for sale.
We can usually produce an EPC within 24 hours of the visit to your home. We are much more flexible than most estate agents suppliers.
We are able to offer:
� Value for money EPC�s from �40.00
� Flexible appointments
� Urgent out of hours service
� EPC can be delivered the same day as the assessment
An Energy Performance certificate provides details of how energy efficient a property is by giving it a grading on a scale A-G, with A being the most energy efficient. As well as the Energy Efficiency grading a property is also given an Environmental Impact rating again on a scale of A-G with a property rated A having no impact on the environment. These ratings are shown in a table similar to those supplied with electrical appliances such as fridges and washing machines. An average property in the UK has a grading of D both scales. The EPC also includes recommendations of the ways in which the property's energy efficiency can be improved. These recommendations are grouped into Lower Cost measures (under �500), Medium Cost measures (�500 and over) and Further measures. To aid potential buyers there is also a table that provides estimate energy usage for the property and a table that summarises the property's energy performance related features. The EPC does not consider any appliances e.g. fridges, TVs or any light fittings that are plugged in. It also does not consider the occupant's usage of the home. The EPCs gives its calculations based on a standard occupancy, a standard heating pattern and a generic locality. By assuming these factors it enables potential buyers to compare one property's energy efficiency to another.
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